Monday, July 9, 2012

God answers unorthodox prayer, too!

When the Nazis arrested me and put me in prison I hid a very small Bible on my back,
under my clothing, and boy, how I was scared! I thought, O my, they will find my Bible.
Do you know what I said?  I said, Lord, in your Bible you tell that there are angels.
Now I think you must put angels around me,  Lord, that these people do not see me. 
But I thought, Angels are spirits, and you look through them.  So, I said, Lord, will you
please make your angels untransparent?  O, you can pray so very unorthodox when you 
are in need! Do you know that? And, do you know what happened? The people did not
see me. The Lord did what I asked Him to do! Twice I had to pass, and they did not see
me, so I came with my Bible into the prison.


With Chaplain Ray

Your Strength will Equal your Days

Living for the moment, yes, that’s what you need. The Lord’s Prayer says, “Give us today
our daily bread.” Deuteronomy 33:25 says,”…your strength will equal your days.” That is
a promise made more than three thousand years ago. A person does not fall so much
because of the troubles of one day, but if tomorrow’s burden is added, this load can 
become very, very heavy. It is wonderfully easy to live just for the day.